The Fantastically Fast Fixers who Fix IT First Time
Experience the Difference
Contact Options
Phone: 06 - 867 2667
Fax: 06 - 867 2668

     Ian 027 - 258 8879

General Enquiries:

273 Gladstone Road
Copyrite Computerz and More Limited 2012
Computerz and More LtdŽ, Webpage4UŽ, Gisborne.New Zealand. Copyright Š2012. All rights reserved
Errors & omissions are excluded.Images are representative only and actual products may differ. All trademarks, brands and product names remain the property of their respective owners.

We have also secured the domain
to better reflect that we are a 100% KIWI company
Our standard terms and conditions of sale......
All retail prices shown on our Website store include GST but exclude packaging and freight

Welcome to our website and thank you for taking the time to read these website terms and conditions which apply with respect to your use of our website and our products and services.

It is important that you read these terms and conditions carefully because by using our website and our products or services, you will be deemed to have accepted them.


Payment is accepted by Cash, Cheque or by Internet bank transfer to our account.
Goods will not be packaged and or dispatched until payment has cleared.
Please note bank transfer will not appear in our account until the next working day.
We are not able to offer Cash on delivery terms.


All Guarantees are effective from the date of invoice
Goods lost or delayed in transit should be reported as soon as posible -

Goods received by the client should be checked at the time of delivery......

Goods lost or damaged in transit are covered providing

All goods must be checked for damage at the time of delivery, Computerz and More Ltd and Gadgets NZ are not able to accept liability for damaged goods not reported within 2 working days of receipt .
Claims for damaged goods must be reported to Computerz and More Ltd and Gadgets NZ within 2 working days of reciept, any damaged goods claim made after this time will be at the discretion of Computerz and More Ltd and Gadgets NZ.
The extent of our guarantee is product replacement only. Courier and packaging fees are not covered by our guarantee.
Unused Items returned without intact original packaging will incure a re stocking charge of 20%.
We reserve the right to apply a 20% re stocking charge on goods ordered and later returned for credit, this charge will apply in all cases.
Your statutory rights are in no way restricted.
Our commitment to you
We will provide those products and services which you order from us, with reasonable care and skill and within a reasonable timeframe unless we expressly stated otherwise.
Computerz and More Ltd and GADGETS NZ

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Version 5 - 01/10/2017